Our Purpose is simply to lead others to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and to win souls for Christ.
Our mandate is to Teach the Word, Transform (renew) the Mind and Impact the World with the Gospel. Come learn how to apply God’s Word to your everyday life in tangible ways that impacts you, your family, friends, community, finances, and your very physical and spiritual health. We have a seat just for you and your family.
Our Pastors’ Responsibility
Pastor Carl McLane and Prophet Tracy McLane are commissioned to feed and shepherd the sheep in accordance with Jeremiah 3:15, Jeremiah 23:4, Romans 10:15, and Ephesians 4:11-13.
What We Believe
We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God. All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God. Our God is one, but manifested in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Philippians 2:6; Matthew 3:16-17) Salvation and Everlasting life is for the born-again believer. We believe in the operation of the Gifts, the ministry gifts to edify the body. We believe all have been given a gift from God, all have been chosen by God before the foundation of the world. Meaning all are Chosen, and selected by God and valuable to the Kingdom of God.
Welcome to Faith Deliverance Watchman Ministries and Church
If you are looking for a great church in Essex-Baltimore area, you’ve found it! We would love for you to consider being our guest at Faith Deliverance Watchman Ministries & Church and experience an Encounter with God and what the ministry has to offer you and your family. From praise and worship to the inspirational messages; our services are a place where you will encounter the life-changing presence of God. I trust that our website will give you insight about how we can serve you and every member of your family. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at 443-903-7230.
Meaning of Our Name and Its Purpose
Faith – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Without faith it’s impossible to please God.
Deliverance – The state of being delivered (liberated, rescued) washed by the word of God
The watchman – One who watches, guards, warns, protects the flock or group from harm.
Ministries – The work done in the service of others.
Our Pastors
Pastor Carl McLane, heard the voice of the Lord say feed my sheep. He then had an encounter with the Lord and heard the Lord say I have anointed you to proclaim the Good News (Gospel). The Lord then told him to tell all who asked what you’ve been during, to respond that you have been tending sheep. Pastor Carl McLane answered the called, he is a pastor with a desire to teach the people of God to have an understanding and revelation of the scriptures. Pastor Carl McLane desire is to do the will of the Father and be a mouthpiece for God.
Pastor McLane is a graduate of The Sonship School of the Firstborn (SSOTF), and Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies. Pastor Carl has a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems and a Masters of Science in Management. He now serves on the battlefield for the Lord and his spiritual covering is under Christ Sovereignty Fellowship International Ministries. He and his wife Prophet Tracy reside in Belcamp, Maryland, they have 2 adult children Andre and Tecaria, and grandsons Noah, Nicolas, and King.
Prophet Tracy McLane, called by God to be a part of the Great Commission. Prophet Tracy operates under the anointing gifts of the Fivefold ministry, her husband is Pastor Carl McLane Pastor of Faith Deliverance Watchman Ministries in Baltimore, Maryland. Her spiritual covering is under Christ Sovereignty Fellowship International Ministries. She is a servant, Prophetic Intercessor, Prophetic Warrior and motivated to show and tell others about the love of God. Prophet Tracy is the Executive/Administrative Officer for Christ Sovereignty Fellowship International Ministries; she is the COO for Deborah’s Daughters and Christ Sovereignty Soldiers Incorporated.
Prophet Tracy is a graduate of The Sonship School of the Firstborn (SSOTF), and Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Counseling. Prophet Tracy has a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems. Tracy has been married to Pastor Carl for 39 plus years, mother of two adult children, and a Mimi of three. She is a native of the District of Columbia.
Evangelist – Deaconess Bernadette Savage
Men’s Ministries – Minister Herbert Liggins
No Boundry Ministries – Brother Victor Martez Vaughan
Helping Hands Ministries – Sister Tecaria McLane
Feed the Hungry Ministries – Prophet Tracy McLane