Sunday Morning Service: 10:00 am
View our LIVE Sunday Morning Service on FACEBOOK
(Services available LIVE in-person or Facebook Live (call for info 443-903-7230) regarding any of our services.
Tuesday Evenings: 7:15 pm
View our LIVE Tuesday Night Bible Study on FACEBOOK
(For in-person call 443-903-7230.
Church Location
1201 Suite B Eastern Boulevard
Essex, MD 21221
Before You Arrive
We are called to be a multicultural ministry congregation that meets the needs of Gods people, to Teach, Transform, and Impact for the Kingdom of God.
Style of Service
Our service includes singing and Biblical teaching. Our singing is an act of worship to God in fullness with praise and adoration, followed by a 30 to 45 minutes messages.
You will see us wearing from jeans to suits, so you will not feel out of place in your favorite jeans and shirt.