Kingdom Men’s Ministry
This ministry is designed to build men faith, relationships, and realign the family with the biblical purpose and the importance of the Householder.
Daughters of the King
Our purpose is to encourage women to fulfill their call of God through discipleship, and stewardship.
Young Lives Matters Ministers
This ministry introduces God’s sons and daughters (boys 6-21) and (girls 6-18) of the promises that are available to them throughout the scriptures.
Facebook page: @FDWMYoungLivesMatters
FDWM Young Lives Matter Ministry
Mentoring Ministries
This is a unidirectional relationship as the mentor sows into the mentee. The mentee absorbs what God has for them to master (like Paul, and Timothy,) this is discipleship.
Watchman Prophetic Intercessors (Romans 8:27; Colossians 4:2)
This ministry utilizes the tools provided by our God, allowing believers to be used as instrument to access the Fathers will here on the earth. “Prophetic Insight and Foresight.” Commission for this assignment in accordance to Ezekiel 33:7.
FDWM Outreach Ministry
We are to go outside of the four walls and reach out to our community, city, and where we are sent to tell of the Life-Changing Power of the Good New (Gospel) message of Jesus and the Gift of Salvation. We are to strengthen our brothers and sisters in our community, feed the hungry, bring healing, and meet the community spiritual and physical needs.